
【主页浏览】 万能浏览器 1.73s

软件名称:万能浏览器 1.73s
软件大小:621 KB
更新时间:2007-09-20 00:00:00
万能浏览器具有亲切、友好、干净的用户界面,是一款纯净的绿色IE浏览器, 是一款基于IE内核的、多功能、安全性极高,个性化多页面浏览器。它允许在同一窗口内打开任意多个页面,减少浏览器对系统资源的占用率。同时它又能有效防止恶意插件,以及任何病毒代码也无法修改自设的IE主页等功能,加强网上浏览的安全。而且完全兼容微软IE浏览器,支持全系列微软操作系统。是个完全免费而没有任何功能限制的绿色软件。 万能浏览器所具有以下优点: 1、操作简单灵活; 2、多页面多文档浏览:网页都有序的排列在主窗口内,可以方便的在不同的页面间切换; 3、插件隔离:可以帮你隔离那些烦人的病毒插件和工具插件之类的东西; 4、兼容性好和低资源占用:与IE完全兼容,万能浏览器使用的内存资源比IE平均少了30%; 5、老板键:alt+~ 老板键,可以用这个快速进行隐藏正运行的万能浏览器; 6、保护上网安全:禁止一切的网络插件,使恶意的木马插件无机可乘; 7、主页保护功能:防止任何病毒代码修改自设的IE主页; 8、搜索功能:多元化万能搜索引擎,随心所欲查找资料; 万能浏览器是一款个性十足、快速、安全的免费软件,还有更多的功能等着你去发现哦 2007年09月19日推出1.73s 安装版 1. 新增“网址导航”标签,拥有全面的网址集合,是您网上冲浪的最佳选择; 2. 添加了下载链接按钮,自动搜索网页的下载链接,为您提供方便快捷的下载途径; 3. 加快了打开浏览器的速度; 4. 自动更新功能的进一步优化; 5. 修正了2000系统下网址显示存在的问题。

【系统安全】 360保险箱 V1.0.0.1006

软件名称:360保险箱 V1.0.0.1006
软件大小:7208 KB
更新时间:2007-09-20 00:00:00
产品亮点: 独辟安全运行空间,百毒不侵 被保护的程序运行前,保险箱会在系统中开辟一块安全空间,被保护程序将这块安全空间中运行。木马的攻击行为将无法穿透这层安全空间 针对性防范木马偷窃手段,有的放矢 专门对键盘驱动、窗体挂钩、只读内存等木马常用的偷窃手段进行有效防护,木马即便进入了电脑系统,也将无法窃取帐号密码 增强型自我保护,坚不可摧 在系统核心层构建防御体系,一般的木马很难对保险箱本身进行破坏 内核级编程技术,简洁高效 软件安装包仅300k,系统资源占用极小,运行效率极高 360保险箱1.0.0.1006 解决了和360安全卫士实时保护的兼容问题 解决了保护列表中多图标重复的问题 解决和老版本程序数据文件兼容问题,如:图标不显示,无法自动检测软件路径等问题。 调整了添加或移除软件界面中已保护软件和未保护软件的左右位置,提高用户操作使用习惯 增加网游4款奇迹世界、热血江湖、征途、大话西游2到保护列表中 保险箱主程序在safebox目录下

【其它行业】 Inno Setup V5.2.00 支持pascal脚本

软件名称:Inno Setup V5.2.00 支持pascal脚本
软件大小:1249 KB
更新时间:2007-09-20 00:00:00
Inno Setup 是一个免费的安装制作软件,小巧、简便、精美是其最大特点,支持pascal脚本,能快速制作出标准Windows2000风格的安装界面,足以完成一般安装任务。该软件用Delphi写成,其官方网站同时也提供源程序免费下载。它虽不能与Installshield这类恐龙级的安装制作软件相比,但也当之无愧算是后起之秀。 5.1.13 (2007-07-22) Added new lzma/ultra64 compression level. Same as lzma/ultra, but uses a dictionary size that is twice as large (64 MB). Added new SetupLogging [Setup] section directive. If set to yes, Setup will always create a log file (equivalent to passing /LOG on the command line). Added new AppSupportPhone [Setup] section directive. Added new [Files] section flag: solidbreak. Added new [Run] and [UninstallRun] sections parameter: Verb. When used with the shellexec flag, specifies the action to be performed on the file. When the shellexec flag is used in the [Run] and [UninstallRun] sections, it now uses the default verb for the file type instead of hardcoding "open". (If necessary, you can override this by adding a Verb parameter.) Setup now supports a /TYPE parameter to override the default setup type. Components/tasks-related changes: /COMPONENTS & /TASKS: When a parent component/task is specified, it no longer automatically checks every child component/task. To achieve the old behavior, prefix the name of the parent component/task with a "*" character, or list each child component/task individually. /COMPONENTS: It is now possible to force a child component to be deselected by including its name in the list with a "!" prefix. (/TASKS already supports this.) /COMPONENTS is now ignored if no custom type is defined. /SAVEINF now writes the selected setup type in the INF file. Previously, using /LOADINF would always select a custom type. /SAVEINF now writes the selected tasks in the INF file. When a MinVersion/OnlyBelowVersion/Languages/Check/Components parameter causes a parent component/task to be hidden from view, child items will now be hidden as well. (Previously, it was necessary to include the same conditions on every child item in order for them to be hidden along with the parent item.) Fix: When new child components/tasks were introduced in a new install, they would always be selected by default if the parent component/task was selected in the previous installation. Fix: /LOADINF would select child components that weren"t selected during the initial install. Fix: In a /COMPONENTS parameter, it is no longer necessary to list fixed components in order for them to be selected. Pascal Scripting changes: FindFirst/FindNext: Add CreationTime, LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime, AlternateName fields to TFindRec. TInputFileWizardPage: Added new IsSaveButton property. This can be used to make a button open a Save As dialog instead of the default Open dialog. TNewCheckListBox: Setting Checked[] to True will no longer automatically check an item"s child check boxes. To do that now, call the new CheckItem method with coCheckWithChildren in the AOperation parameter. ParamStr/ParamCount: Empty parameters ("") are no longer skipped. /LOG: Logged times now include milliseconds. Compiler IDE changes: During the compression phase of a compile, the status bar now shows the estimated time remaining and KB compressed/second. The Edit | Redo shortcut is now Ctrl+Y. The previous shortcut (Shift+Ctrl+Z) still works too. Fix: In the [INI] section, if Filename was blank, the uninsdelete* flags didn"t actually delete anything. The uninstall program"s version is now Minor tweaks. 修正了无法打包的问题,将加密组件 ISCrypt.dll 加入,并且也增加了繁体语言文件